
15 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure — NATURALLY

  Why submit yourself to a lifetime of prescription medication when there are dozens of natural remedies to most of our ailments? While prescriptions are necessary for some, they are not the only answer for everyone. There is growing evidence that a number of antioxidants can lower blood pressure and go a long way in protecting […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Your Brain


Gluten is the common protein molecule found in wheat, barley, rye, kamut and spelt.  Gluten is a sticky storage protein that binds to the small intestinal wall where it often causes digestive and immune system disorders.  Gluten sensitivity is an epidemic that is a major factor in inflammatory disorders of the gut, immune system, skin […]

10 Healthy Travel Ideas For The Holidays

10 Healthy Travel Ideas For The Holidays

Typically when we prepare for the holiday season it can feel like an extra 10 pounds of stress is added over the next couple months and 10 pounds of fat added to the old saddle bags for the next couple years. Our travels for the holidays are geared toward reconnecting with family and friends often […]

Sitting More Dangerous Than Smoking

Sitting for extended  hours per day increased risk of death by 40 percent, regardless of other activity levels, found by Van der Ploeg and colleagues. Additionally, “May result in the loss of 30% of vital lung capacity” According to University of California’s director of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Rene Cailliet,  states that by, “pulling the entire […]

How Kefir benefits Boobs, Butts, & Bellies

Although Kefir is less well known then its counter part cousin Yogurt, Kefir is getting its name and reputation more mainstream due to its popularity among trusted wellness physicians like myself, as well as, other health & wellness enthusiast for it’s super immune boosting and rejuvenating properties. Real health pioneers have known for years that […]

Anti-Inflammation Diet

If you are going to get healthy or stay healthy it’s crucial you understand inflammation and more importantly cellular inflammation and cellular congestion.  God did not screw up creating our bodies. Our bodies are amazing in design and function, which means that inflammation is good and necessary for the right situations and for the right […]

Beat Gallstones Naturally

Gallstones are crystalline formations of cholesterol and calcium formed within the gallbladder and biliary tracts. These stones can vary widely in size from as small as a grain of salt to nearly the size of a golf ball. Gallstones are a sign of incomplete liver detoxification and pose a significant threat to the body. Beat […]

Topic of the Season

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, most cancers, and autoimmune disorders.  It is estimated to be the largest epidemic of vitamin deficiency ever in the United States. Are you suffering from the winter blues yet?  By the middle of winter many people are hitting a low in […]

Chiropractic Treatments Improve Sensory-Processing Disorders

Sensory processing disorders (SPD) are impairments in detecting, modulating, interpreting, or responding to sensory stimuli. One study estimates that 5 percentof elementary aged children met the criteria for SPD. These conditions are closely related to other neurodevelopmental disorders and often overlap with autism and ADHD. Recent studies have shown the benefits of chiropractic in enhancing […]


A chiropractor is trained to help your children through infancy, childhood and adolescence.  Adjustments to the infant or child’s spine are tailor made to their size. For most families, childhood is a time of joy, vitality and robust health. Children seem to be full of limitless energy and possibility! Yet, there are times when our […]