WHAT’S THE CONNECTION BETWEEN TOXIC MOLD AND LYME DISEASE? By Dr Jay Davidson Article Summary Few are enlightened that Lyme disease and mold can go hand in hand. However, the two conditions are so inter-connected, that some consider mold illness to be a co-condition of Lyme. Mold toxicity refers to the various molds that can […]

Popular Acid Reflux Medication Linked to Chronic Liver Disease

BY: DR. JOSH AXE Proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs, are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world. In fact, one study estimates Americans spend $11 billion on PPIs each year. (1) These popular pills are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of acid-relation conditions like acid reflux. But you may or may not be […]

7 Major Factors Causing AutoImmunity

Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and MS, affect more than 250 million people worldwide. In the United States, they are the 3rd leading chronic disease behind cardiovascular disease and cancer. Have you, a friend, or family member been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? Do you have a family history of autoimmunity and want to learn how […]

Reverse The Age of Your Heart

  “A man is as old as his arteries.” – Thomas Sydenham Did you know that your vascular age can actually be different than your chronological age?  What I’m saying is you could be 30 years old but your arteries have aged as if you are going on 80. The Wall Street Journal came out with this […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Your Brain


Gluten is the common protein molecule found in wheat, barley, rye, kamut and spelt.  Gluten is a sticky storage protein that binds to the small intestinal wall where it often causes digestive and immune system disorders.  Gluten sensitivity is an epidemic that is a major factor in inflammatory disorders of the gut, immune system, skin […]

How Kefir benefits Boobs, Butts, & Bellies

Although Kefir is less well known then its counter part cousin Yogurt, Kefir is getting its name and reputation more mainstream due to its popularity among trusted wellness physicians like myself, as well as, other health & wellness enthusiast for it’s super immune boosting and rejuvenating properties. Real health pioneers have known for years that […]

Anti-Inflammation Diet

If you are going to get healthy or stay healthy it’s crucial you understand inflammation and more importantly cellular inflammation and cellular congestion.  God did not screw up creating our bodies. Our bodies are amazing in design and function, which means that inflammation is good and necessary for the right situations and for the right […]

Some Asthma Inhalers May Be Lethal

Asthma Inhalers Cause Death

Don’t Let Your Inhaler Take Your Last Breath! Singulair  and Advair are the most  highly prescribed medications for the treatment of Asthma in America.  These drugs have been under FDA investigation for Lethal Side Effects.
 The Drug company Merck, said it recently added reports of suicide to Singulair’s label, which already listed suicidal thinking and behavior as […]

Juice Your Way To A Beach Body

Do you still have a little bit of flub on your belly from this past winter or that Fourth of July cook out? Want to get in that bikini, or have a stomach that is finally tight and tone? Well juicing is may be just right for you! We all know that fruits and vegetables […]