10 Tips to Make this Holiday Healthy and Happy

If you’re like most people the holidays are an epic rollercoaster of emotions. We all love the uplifting soothing aspect of having your family at your side, while simultaneously stressing about family ordeals you know you are about to confront. Arguably this could be the BEST and WORST time of the year for most families. […]

What your headache could really mean?

Headache Causes Do you have headaches frequently? Undetected and uncorrected spinal and posture problems are the most common cause of headaches, a warning symptom and a tell tale sign that you have spinal stress! Head trauma of some sort also leads to headaches. When people sustain a whiplash car accident injury 80% of the time they […]

Spice Cake with Star Anise

Spice Cake with Star Anise 1 tsp baking powder 1 1/4 cups coconut flour 3 tbsp coriander seeds 3/4 tsp sea salt 1 cup sugar 5 star anise points 1 large egg ((grass-fed)) 2/3 cup soy milk 1/2 cup farina, uncooked 1/2 cup butter, softened ((grass-fed)) 2 large egg yolks ((grass-fed)) Begin by preheating your […]

Gratitude is Good for You

Thanksgiving is good for you! More specifically, giving thanks helps heart health by lowering your blood pressure, it boosts your immune function and helps you get better sleep. May you be a person of gratitude as you pursue health and wholeness! Read more about the research about gratitude in this today.com article.   Happy Thanksgiving! […]

Maple & Coconut Granola

Looking for a light breakfast? Try this simple and very tasty recipe for maple and coconut granola. Did you know maple syrup is actually filled with antioxidants and supplies inflammation-reducing polyphenol antioxidants to fight inflammatory diseases? Now that’s one sweet we can stand behind! Servings: 6 cups Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1/3 […]

Delicious Lentil Stew

Lentils are a high protein, high fiber member of the legume family. Lentils come in a variety of colors with the most popular being green or brown. These little beans prevent constipation and are great for your heart, helping reduce the risk of heart disease. This lentil stew recipe will keep your whole family warm on these […]

Creamy Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkins contain the valuable orange nutrients alpha- and beta-carotene and lutein, powerful anti-aging nutrients that protect against skin damage slowing the aging process.

15 Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure — NATURALLY

  Why submit yourself to a lifetime of prescription medication when there are dozens of natural remedies to most of our ailments? While prescriptions are necessary for some, they are not the only answer for everyone. There is growing evidence that a number of antioxidants can lower blood pressure and go a long way in protecting […]

Reverse The Age of Your Heart

  “A man is as old as his arteries.” – Thomas Sydenham Did you know that your vascular age can actually be different than your chronological age?  What I’m saying is you could be 30 years old but your arteries have aged as if you are going on 80. The Wall Street Journal came out with this […]


  SIMPLY EAT REAL FOODS  Renowned Wellness Expert, Doctor, Author, Speaker, Radio Show Host, Coach and Founder of Ortho Integrative Cooperative Sounds the Battle Cry For “America’s Simplest Health Revolution”   Most people know about the story of the “unsinkable ship,” the Titanic, through American history and the Hollywood blockbuster movie. Considered the most luxurious […]