America is Losing The War Against Skin Cancer & Sunscreen Sales

America is losing the war against skin cancer, in fact about one person will be diagnosed with skin cancer about every hour. According to the World Health Organization One in every three cancers diagnosed is a skin cancer and, according to Skin Cancer Foundation Statistics, one in every five Americans will develop skin cancer in […]

Are You Feeding Your Family These Dangerous Food Dyes?

Dr. Benjamin Feingold gained alot of attention in the 1970’s when he claimed that food dyes and additives contributed to hyperactivity and other attention problems in children.  His claims led to research into such effects. Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPE) researchers Sarah Kobylewski and Michael Jacobson point out that a 2004 meta-analysis […]

Is Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Safe?

There’s been a lot of controversy concerning hormone replacement therapy. Some scientists believe that it can increase the risk of prostate cancer or cardiovascular disease. Others believe that hormone therapy is safe and can greatly reduce the risk of a whole host of diseases and disorders. Aggression Hormone supplements have long been associated with steroid […]

76 Additional Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health

By Dr. Mercola In addition to throwing off your body’s homeostasis and wreaking havoc on your metabolic processes, excess sugar has a number of other significant consequences. Nancy Appleton, PhD, author of the book Lick the Sugar Habit[5], contributed an extensive list of the many ways sugar can ruin your health from a vast number of medical […]

The Toxicity of Aluminum

Aluminum: Don’t Sweat It? Aluminum is the most abundant metal on the planet and it is never destroyed, only transformed. It binds to other particles and can dissolve in water, be taken up by plants and stay suspended in the air. There’s a big battle line drawn between scientists that say the aluminum we’re exposed […]

515 Chemicals Women Put on Their Bodies Every Day

By Maureen Rice Women and beauty products – it’s a love affair that’s been going on for centuries. And no wonder. There’s nothing like a new lipstick or favorite perfume to make us look and feel good. Or so we thought… In fact, according to a new report, most of our favorite cosmetics are cocktails […]