The metabolism is responsible for how we process the food we consume and how we convert it to energy. Human metabolism is also a key component of how we can regulate our overall body weight. However, the metabolic process is not perfect. It can sometimes benefit from a little bit of adjustment by taking advantage of specific dietary and exercise regimens that can help boost its effects. One such tool to help jumpstart our metabolisms is the keto diet, which has become so popular recently.
Keto is more than just a trend. It is a highly useful tool for enhancing the status of our metabolisms and overall health. Keto diets are named due to specific biological processes the dietary lifestyle induces. As a result, keto can be used to overhaul your metabolic system, improving your overall health. With this article, we hope to provide some guidance on how keto can jumpstart your metabolism.
#1: It Triggers Ketosis
The essential metabolic benefit that a keto lifestyle offers is that it triggers a state called ketosis. Ketosis is the state of being that the keto diet was named for as ketosis radically alters how human metabolism functions. Ketosis is a metabolic state where ketone concentration in the bloodstream radically increases. The most common of these ketones is beta-Hydroxybutyrate. Ketosis involves your body reorienting your metabolism to take advantage of these ketones over other nutrients.
Ordinarily, our metabolisms break down and convert blood sugar, otherwise known as glucose, into energy for us to use. This means we require a regular intake of sugary foods to keep our blood sugar at a reasonable level, so we are not low on energy. However, when our bodies are in ketosis, our metabolisms convert the ketones into energy instead. Ketones are produced by the fat in our bodies; this means that our metabolisms can get a jump on reducing our overall body weight.

Keto diets enable us to minimize the amount of sugar we consume by making it possible for our metabolisms to use the fat in our bodies to produce energy. Ketosis is the main goal of virtually all keto diets and lifestyles since it is what enables us to reap the benefits of the diet in the first place. However, in this sense, it is also directly responsible for the kickstart our metabolisms experience in breaking down fat and allowing us to capitalize on the weight loss benefits keto offers.
Although, weight loss is not the sole reason keto has become an extremely popular dietary avenue for most. After all, the hardest part of dieting is making sure you are not snacking between meals on unhealthy foods. Fortunately, keto can address this as well.
#2: Our Metabolisms Secure More Nutrients
One of the hardest things to cope with in most diets is that we are often left feeling hungry despite having eaten all of our meals for the day. This is because our metabolisms not only break down glucose for energy but also absorb the nutrients that make us feel full and well-fed. The problem lies in the fact that the fats found in certain foods are stored rather than broken down with the same level of efficiency that glucose is broken down. While this might seem unrelated, keto diets enable us to feel more well-fed than we otherwise would consuming high-carb foods.

Because of the new primary source of sustenance, our metabolisms compensate to gather the vast majority of nutrients directly from the ketones in the fat. As a result, we break down the fat more effectively, but it also enables us to feel fuller without eating more. This allows our metabolisms to begin processing the food we put into our bodies. So, to an extent, keto diets enable you to enjoy the benefits of doing so without tracking your food and calorie intake.
However, the keto diet goes far beyond being able to manage certain weight and nutrient aspects of the human body. The effects of the metabolic enhancement offered by keto lifestyles can extend to allowing our bodies to defend against more severe issues.
#3: It Readies the Metabolism to Combat Diabetes
Diabetes is an incredibly unpleasant disease afflicting a vast portion of the American population. Unfortunately, diabetes itself is known to be the result of severe changes in the human metabolism along with exceptionally high blood sugar and impairment in our ability to produce insulin naturally.
What many do not know is that a ketogenic diet can serve as a remarkable supplementary tool to protect against the effects of diabetes. Granted, it is not something that can effectively cure or treat the disease alone, but it can give you an edge over a disease that otherwise controls your life.

The effects that keto diets have to enhance the metabolism’s ability to help us shed weight serves as the basis for how keto can protect against diabetes symptoms. Specifically, the ketosis induced by ketogenic diets enables our bodies to break down ketones in fat for energy and enhances our ability to regulate our blood sugar. Studies have determined how the effects of ketogenic diets on diabetic patients work in terms of blood sugar management.
One study showed that people with diabetes who shifted to a ketogenic lifestyle found themselves using their blood sugar medication far less. This was directly because the low-carb keto diets enabled their bodies to allocate their blood sugar to where it was needed while using the ketones to energize them for the day. The shift in the metabolism’s focus on using blood sugar has made keto an excellent tool for people with diabetes across the world.
#4: It Can Lower Triglyceride Levels
As we mentioned before, ketosis enables our body to effectively gain nutrients from fat tissue in our body, slimming us down. Unfortunately, one of the worst fats commonly found in humans is triglycerides that form and circulate in our bloodstream. Triglycerides form more frequently when we consume high concentrations of carbohydrates, especially fructose sugar. However, many sensationalized low-fat diets result in triglyceride levels spiking, leaving quite the conundrum for those of us looking to get healthier.
It has been proven that lowering our consumption of carbs can effectively manage our triglyceride levels and reduce the negative symptoms. As you might have guessed, ketogenic diets serve just that purpose with great success. The lower concentration of carbs in ketogenic diets can lead to a dramatic plunge in triglyceride levels, which diminishes the risk of heart disease in the body.

However, excess triglycerides can also bog down our metabolisms. Our metabolisms create triglycerides from the excess calories that we do not convert to energy right away. They are meant to be stored for later use when nutrients are not forthcoming. However, if we subscribe to a high-carb lifestyle that promotes the continuous production of triglycerides, our metabolisms overload us with stored fats without ever burning through what existed beforehand. Ketogenic diets allow us to lower our overall production of triglycerides and give our metabolisms a chance to start breaking down what has already been stored.
#5: It Helps to Resolve Causes of Metabolic Syndrome
The human metabolism is just as vulnerable to illness as any other part of the human body. The fact is your metabolism is reliant on the health of the rest of your body to function properly. If something becomes too deteriorated, you risk letting your metabolic rate collapse. One of the most devastating conditions that can impact your metabolism is metabolic syndrome, which is the breakdown of your metabolic system as several aspects of your body begin to deteriorate.
Metabolic syndrome can be caused by compromised systems from the rest of your body. This includes:
- High Blood Pressure
- High Triglyceride Content
- Low HDL Cholesterol
- Obesity
Each one of these conditions is debilitating to our overall health in and of itself. However, they are also fortunately affected by ketogenic dietary habits that mitigate their effects and stave off metabolic syndrome.

We have already discussed how keto diets can help combat obesity and the blood sugar and triglyceride content in your body. But, we have yet to discuss how they can tend to our blood pressure and cholesterol.
Being a low-carb intake, keto diets enable your body to regulate itself far more effectively and keep your blood pressure leveled out. Hypertension is a contributing factor to metabolic syndrome but is also extremely dangerous in and of itself. Fortunately, there is scientific evidence supporting the use of keto diets and other low-carb lifestyles to lower blood pressure. Doing so will lower your risk of both hypertension and metabolic syndrome simultaneously. That said, there remains the cholesterol issue.
Two types of cholesterol affect our overall health. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is bad for our cholesterol, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is good for it. Having a low concentration of HDL can contribute to metabolic syndrome. Still, evidence has determined that ketogenic diets can be an effective way to bolster our HDL content and subvert the effects of metabolic syndrome in our bodies.
Carbohydrates are one of the prime culprits of the spike in LDL and can diminish HDL if not consumed in moderation. However, ketogenic diets put the consumption of carbs on the low end and therefore allow us to even out our lipoproteins.
The high-fat, low-carb style of ketogenic diets enables us to consume foods that produce HDL without bogging ourselves down with LDL production foods. In addition, there is documented research proving that keto diets can cause HDL levels to increase and improve our cholesterol.
Take Your Health to the Next Level
Ketogenic diets can work wonders for those who suffer from poor health in terms of weight and metabolic issues. The key is to remember that human metabolism is not a singular entity but a collection of functions and health aspects that work in tandem to ensure the proper dissemination of nutrients.
Keto diets enable you to enjoy foods with healthy fats as you please while lowering your carbohydrate intake to maximize the health of your body. As a result, your metabolism will be less taxed and able to get a jump on breaking down fats in your body, leading to a healthier overall weight. The only real issue is figuring out how to get started once you have committed to a plan.

Fortunately, we at Ortho Integrative are here to help. Our facilities have developed a highly effective Ketobolism program that takes your specific physical state into account when putting together a plan you can use to bring your health in line with your goals. In our program, you will learn the three secrets to getting your metabolism back on track and losing the weight that has held you back.
Our program has shown remarkable results, with candidates losing between 15 to 35 lbs. within five weeks. With help from minds like Dr. Emmett Blahnik, Dr. Mark McCullough, and Dr. Randy Johns, you will be amazed at how much detail goes into Ketobolism. So, why delay? Check out our website and learn more about our program so you can take your health to the Next Level!
Do you or a loved one have any questions or concerns regarding the keto diet, or how it can assist with your metabolism? Is there anything that we talked about in today’s article that you would like a little more clarification on? Or, are you perhaps curious about what our Ketobolism program entails, and what kind of results you can potentially expect to see? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us at any time! Your health is of utmost concern to us, just as it is to you, and we would be more than happy to assist you however we possibly can! There are several ways you can contact us, which you can find right over here, in which you can also find our hours of operation and location! We’re standing by and ready to assist you when you need us!