5 Steps to Building a Customized Diet and Nutrition Plan

When trying to be the healthiest version of yourself, several key details must be considered. You cannot just wake up one day and declare that you will be healthier than you were before. You must commit to serious lifestyle changes that complement your goal of being healthier. Unfortunately, we live in a time where fads […]

FAQ: Can Chiropractic Care Help With a Hormone Imbalance?

The human body is extremely complicated and requires us to maintain it extensively to remain functional. Unfortunately, our bodies are also susceptible to external and internal damage, making it difficult to care for them completely. Sometimes, physical injuries cause internal injuries as a side effect and disrupt the function of our bodies. Some injuries require […]

Vibration Therapy: What Is It and How Can It Help Your Joints?

Joint pain is a common occurrence for most people. The joints in the human body, quite literally, carry us through life. Whenever we walk, run, jump, or carry heavy objects, our joints are put under significant physical stress that can lead to severe damage. If left unattended, such trauma could lead to permanent loss of […]

5 Ways That Keto Can Jumpstart Your Metabolism

The metabolism is responsible for how we process the food we consume and how we convert it to energy. Human metabolism is also a key component of how we can regulate our overall body weight. However, the metabolic process is not perfect. It can sometimes benefit from a little bit of adjustment by taking advantage […]

Pulled Muscle vs. Pinched Nerve: What’s the Difference?

Despite its unique physiology and incredible structure, the human body is a remarkably sensitive thing. Our bodies are susceptible to damage that can make it difficult to function as we normally would. There are so many possible injuries that can afflict us that the symptoms we feel can be a little difficult to discern.  Sometimes, […]

What Causes Knee Ligament Injuries? (With Solutions)

Some of the most frustrating injuries in the world are those that affect our legs, as they inhibit our ability to move. Unfortunately, these types of injuries are quite common, with an almost endless list of causes for knee pain. One of the most painful variants of these injuries is those afflicted upon our ligaments, […]

7 Knee Replacement Alternatives to Avoid Knee Surgery

Knee replacement surgery is a common yet intensive procedure to repair damaged knees enough to return mobility to those that suffer an impairment. However, such surgeries bring their own risks that can leave the patient worse off than they were before. The treatments are not the only option, however, as there are alternatives that might […]

What is the Impact of Your Job on Your Joint Health and Pain?

Joint health is something that tends to slip through the cracks when it comes to maintaining your body. Unfortunately, a lack of information can lead the average American to overly tax their body and induce pain. One of the more prevalent causes of joint pain is actually your career, as many jobs require a more […]

Treating Your Chronic Knee Pain

No one should have to live with chronic knee pain. Here at Ortho Integrative Medicine, located in Clearwater, FL., we offer chronic knee pain treatment to help you decrease your pain and live a more normal life.  Symptoms Associated With Chronic Knee Pain Chronic knee pain can put a damper on your day-to-day life. Doing […]

What Are the Benefits of Trigger Point Injections for Back Pain?

Back pain is never fun, and it plagues almost everyone at some point in life. It is a condition that several easily inflicted injuries can cause. While the entirety of the back is subject to pain induced by an injury, there also exists the risk of damaging a trigger point. Regardless of how your back […]